move, iterate and
develop faster

LinkWorks moves the complexity of different Frameworks and standards out of your way.  We let you concentrate on what matters most: your cutting-edge research

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Complexity kills progress. so we kill complexity

Don't fight with frameworks, get started!​

You shouldn‘t have to fight complex software and frameworks. LinkWorks offers easy concepts and a powerful workflow that gets you started in no time. Concentrate on your research and presenting your results.

From idea to implementation in under 5 minutes - promised

Just add a small connectivity layer to your code. Automatically build, test and deploy using the LinkWorks CI.

Prebuilt  sensor interfaces and powerful visualizations out of the box

LinkWorks provides ready-to-use nodes for the most common sensors and visualizations.

All your dependencies just with a snap of your fingers

We support you with a painless dependency workflow. Manage and deploy your software dependencies via community or LinkWorks native channels.

Don‘t worry about your platform of choice, we got you covered

LinkWorks runs on Intel x86/x64 and ARM based systems with Linux, Windows or Android. Our API supports C/C++ and Python. And more to come...

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your distributed system accurately recorded

Work with real data. at your desk!​

Complex reality is hard to capture. LinkWorks lets you take reality on to your desk by accurately recording your distributed system. This allows you to develop with real data and guarantees that your algorithms are up to the challenge.

Built-in recording of any event in your distributed system with
nanosecond resolution

Each event and data message is automatically timestamped. You can reliably record everything to storage, either uncompressed, compressed or encrypted.

From car to your desk: replay your data in the lab – bit by bit, in the correct order

When working with recorded data it is crucial to accurately preserve the order of each data message and event. We replay the recorded data in the same order it was acquired in the car.

Dig deep into specific events by just replaying reality, over and over again.

You do not need to decide what to record in the car. Just record everything and choose what to look at later in the lab. With LinkWorks atomic data elements can be easily combined and mapped to complex data structures tailored to your particular use case. It is like Lego for Data.

Build with confidence: what works on your desk will work in your car

When you transfer a software from your lab to the car you want it to work right out of the box. You are absolutely right - and LinkWorks supports you with a reliable build and deployment process.

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No worries: what runs today will run tomorrow

Demonstrate with confidence

Never fear an upcoming demonstration. LinkWorks offers standardized build pipelines and binary deployment tools that let you deploy with confidence.
To any system. At any time.

Zero-risk: reliably reproduce working setups

We know that in research you need to constantly test your hypotheses and improve your algorithms. Do not worry to lose track of a particular setup - LinkWorks helps you to version your setups to go back at any time.

Fully control  your deploys:
integrated version management
and reproducible deploys

All software and dependencies are under version control.  Meshes are discribed via configuration files and versioned as well. This way you can always 100% reproduce a particular application setup.

Easily build   your algorithm and deploy to any platform with our built-in CI/CD pipeline

The LinkWorks CI will automatically build and test your nodes. You can push the binaries to channels of your choice and deploy to any platform in the lab or the car.

Just relax: what runs today will run tomorrow

If your application runs today we promise it will also work months or years from now. And if it works on the desk of your colleague it will also run in your environment.

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"Reliable and developer-friendly tools, Glossier’s engineering team is freed up to focus on product and customer experiences."

Finn Borge

Product manager

"Reliable and developer-friendly tools, Glossier’s engineering team is freed up to focus on product and customer experiences."

Finn Borge

Product manager

"Reliable and developer-friendly tools, Glossier’s engineering team is freed up to focus on product and customer experiences."

Finn Borge

Product manager

"Reliable and developer-friendly tools, Glossier’s engineering team is freed up to focus on product and customer experiences."

Finn Borge

Product manager

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