The fastest way to advance intelligent cars.

Automotive Research is moving fast. LinkWorks software infrastructure helps your team to stay ahead of the competition and achieve amazing results for your customers.

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Reliable acquisition of terrabytes of sensor data

Your data has value.
Do not miss a bit.

Your team must not miss precious sensor data while testing their intelligent vehicles. LinkWorks has realtime data metrics included and knows every byte your system sends and records. Do not worry about missing data, just enjoy your engineering results.

Stream complex sensor data in realtime

Data is serialized in realtime and transmitted in a highly efficient binary format. Each data stream is protected with integrity measures.

Metrics  included - know every byte of data in your system

Transmission performance is monitored via built-in realtime metrics. Know your bandwidth and each message sent.

Timestamped down
to nanoseconds natively

Data is automatically timestamped as soon as it enters the system. We support multi-host time synchronization.

Record and playback raw data painlessly

Data can be saved in the exact order it was created. Playback data in the lab in the same way it was observed in the car.

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Realtime data anonymisation and GDPR compliancy

Sensitive data needs protection. Be compliant.

Some of your data contains privacy sensitive information. LinkWorks automatically protects personally identifiable information in realtime. Reduce your risks and be compliant as soon as new data enters your system. At no additional cost.

Find sensitive data and significantly reduce your risk

Deploy our ready-to-use detectors for sensitive data. It is fast and works in realtime on your system. No need to transfer data to a third party.

Be GDPR compliant as soon as the sensor data enters your system

Be compliant to state, federal, and international data regulations. Our tools  protect sensitive data from the first second it enters your system.

Protect  faces, number plates or geo data reliably and in realtime

Automatically remove privacy data in realtime. You can choose to flag, strongly encrypt or permanently delete sensitive data.

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Data visualisation at your finger tips

Your data is powerful.
Show it.

You need to present your R&D results to the higher level, to your partners and customers. LinkWorks provides engaging data visualization out of the box. It works realtime in the car and offline in the lab. Use it to explore your data and impress your customers.

Choose from charts, graphs, 2D/3D pointclouds or geo map visualizations

We provide nodes for online data visualization with Qt, Unreal or Unity backend.

Connect  to unlimited sensors and algorithms

LinkWorks is plug-and-play. Connecting to sensors takes less than 5 minutes. Pre-built nodes for Cameras, Radars, Lidars and other sensors are available.

Customize colours, shapes and controls

Customize the visualization to your needs. It is easily done via GUI or configuration files.

Explore your data and engage with customers

LinkWorks visualizations are fast. You can easily interact with your data while in the car or later in the lab.

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LinkWorks gives your engineers unparalleled speed and flexibility

Most types of sensors and interfaces

LiDAR, Radar, Camera, GNSS, Maps, CAN, Ethernet and others

Multi OS & Platform

Runs on Intel x86/x64 and ARM based systems with Linux and Windows or Android


Create realtime systems with flexible interfaces and reliable data formats


Connect unlimited number of sensors and algorithms in seconds

Easy to deploy

Deploy your software continuously to multiple hosts without pain

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"Reliable and developer-friendly tools, Glossier’s engineering team is freed up to focus on product and customer experiences."

Finn Borge

Product manager

"Reliable and developer-friendly tools, Glossier’s engineering team is freed up to focus on product and customer experiences."

Finn Borge

Product manager

"Reliable and developer-friendly tools, Glossier’s engineering team is freed up to focus on product and customer experiences."

Finn Borge

Product manager

"Reliable and developer-friendly tools, Glossier’s engineering team is freed up to focus on product and customer experiences."

Finn Borge

Product manager

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