Automotive Research is moving fast. LinkWorks software infrastructure helps your team to stay ahead of the competition and achieve amazing results for your customers.
Free-forever features for individuals and organizations
per user/month
Advanced collaboration and powerful data control
per user/month
Compliance, security and third party integrations
per user/month
Host your own instance of LinkWorks on premises
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LinkWorks runs on Windows 10 and Windows 11.
We support all major Linux distributions.
Link runs on mobile devices, too.
We provide Interfaces to NVIDIA DRIVE OS. And more to come...
A powerful messaging pattern. Publish messages once, receive by one or many subsribers. Works fast, asynchronously and reliably.
Another messaging pattern. Send a request for data, receive a reply. Most commonly used in service nodes.
You can choose from powerful transport layer protocols. We support TCP, UDP and NORM. More to come soon.
Choose a QoS which suits your use case. We provide 3 profiles: low latency, high throughput or no packet-loss
We fight message loss by supporting back pressure from receiver to the sender node.
For highly distributed systems, for example multiple connected cars. Easily connect different meshes to one combined system.
Minimizes data dependencies and helps you to build elastic data structures. Atomic data elements can be easily combined and mapped to complex data structures tailored to your particular use case.
The Logger publishes log messages to the mesh. You can access and filter log message from anywhere in your mesh. Powerful viewers are available.
Stamps each message with a unique identifier. Great for tracing of messages and out-of-order detection.
Each pin publishes metrics like number of messages sent, bandwidth, accumulated message sizes, and others.
It works like a test probe - just in software. Data can be analyzed at its source - the pins. No need to attach an extra node and to use precious bandwidth or introduce latency.
Automatically monitor data health and check for data corruption.
Detect sensitve data and automatically remove or encrypt it. Helps to reduce legal risks and ensures GDPR compliance.
Ready to use nodes for most common automotive sensors like cameras, radars, lidars, GNSS devices, neuromorphic sensors, etc.
A node which subscribes to data streams and writes them to storage. Highly reliable and very fast.
Use binary streams from the data recorder and play them back to a mesh. Start, stop, pause, fast forward, etc. supported.
Easily attach your AI models to the mesh. Works with tensorflow, PyTorch, Darknet and others.
Visualize your data in realtime using powerful 2D or 3D charts. Line plots, scatter plots and more available.
3D point clouds can be visualized in realtime and styled to your needs.
Geo maps are availabe as raster data via OpenStreetMap or from commercial providers.
Run your nodes and meshes on an unlimited number of hosts for an unlimited time. Our runtime licenses are free.
CI/CD Minutes will be assigned at the beginning of a payment period and won't be transferred to the next payment period.
Channels are used to store binaries for deployment. Public channels are open to everyone, private channels can only be accessed by you. Shared channels can be used for projects and are accessibly by a group of people.
Don’t see your plan? Let’s talk and find out
Contact us »Choose from charts, graphs, 2D/3D pointclouds or geo map visualizations
We provide nodes for online data visualization with Qt, Unreal or Unity backend.
Connect to unlimited sensors and algorithms
LinkWorks is plug-and-play. Connecting to sensors takes less than 5 minutes. Pre-built nodes for Cameras, Radars, Lidars and other sensors available.
Customize colours, shapes and controls
Customize the visualization to your needs. It is easily done via GUI or configuration files.
Explore your data and engage with customers
LinkWorks visualizations are fast. You can easily interact with your data while in the car or later in the lab.
Stream complex sensor data in realtime in the car or in the lab
Data is serialized in realtime and transmitted in a highly efficient binary format. Each data stream is protected with integrity measures.
Metrics included - know every byte of data in your system
Transmission performance is monitored via built-in realtime metrics. Know your bandwidth and each message sent.
Record and playback raw data painlessly
Data can be saved in the exact order it was created. Playback data in the lab in the same way it was observed in the car.
Timestamped down
to nanoseconds natively
Data is automatically timestamped as soon as it enters the system. We support multi-host time synchronization.
Built-in recording of any event in your distributed system with
nanosecond resolution
Each event and data message is automatically timestamped. You can reliably record everything to storage, either uncompressed, compressed or encrypted.
From car to your desk: replay your data in the lab – bit by bit, in the correct order
When working with recorded data it is crucial to accurately preserve the order of each data message and event. We replay the recorded data in the same order it was acquired in the car.
Dig deep into specific events by just replaying reality, over and over again.
You do not need to decide what to record in the car. Just record everything and choose what to look at later in the lab. With LinkWorks atomic data elements can be easily combined and mapped to complex data structures tailored to your particular use case. It is like Lego for Data.
Build with confidence: what works on your desk will work in your car
When you transfer a software from your lab to the car you want it to work right out of the box. You are absolutely right - and LinkWorks supports you with a reliable build and deployment process.
Reliable and developer-friendly tools, Glossier’s engineering team is freed up to focus on product and customer experience. This text is super interesting and long se keep reading please.
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